Direct mail marketing list

Your Direct Marketing Data Partner


 Business Lists
 Consumer Lists
 Email Lists
 Direct mail lists
 Mobile Campaign lists & more

To be successful, your organization needs to find new people,new customers, new members, new donors, names that start out as qualified prospects and end up as your best clients and supporters. Mailing Lists, Inc. can help you find these MVP's,Most Valuable Prospects. From mailings and phone calls to e-mails and text messages, there are more ways than ever to generate qualified leads for your business. Mailing Lists, Inc. is here to help you navigate all of the options. We will work on your behalf to ultimately provide you with the best possible lists and data at the best possible prices. We're here to help you make informed decisions designed to generate the responses you need to make your direct marketing efforts a huge success.

  It's like adding a consultant to your direct marketing team when you work with Adam and Mailing Lists, Inc.
Mike Canavan, President,
National Institute for Continuing Education

  If you want to mount a successful direct marketing campaign, go to Mailing Lists, Inc.
where you'll get practical, expert advice on
how to reach any target audience.
Elizabeth Cahill Tralka, President,
Heyman Mailing Service

  In addition to providing great pricing, his (Adam's) extensive knowledge of the industry
has provided us with whole new avenues for data.
Rich Farrill, BSS Commercial
Development Manager, Time Warner Cable

  Mailing Lists, Inc. gives me one less vitally important thing to worry about; namely, the
quality of our data.
Jimena Ryan, Director of Marketing,
Raffa, P.C.

"Mailing Lists, Inc. has provided good advice on list choices, is very responsive and provides a strong effort in searching for lists, both traditional and opt-in (e-mail)."
...Eric Webb Senior Director,
Go To Market Services RSM McGladrey

My experience working with Mailing Lists, Inc. has been excellent. Adam Van Wye understands my direct marketing needs and he is very helpful when it comes to making suggestions on the most appropriate lists to use. Additionally, I can always depend on a quick response and fast delivery.
...Wanda L. Matthews, Assistant Marketing Manager, Books, American Psychological Association

20 years of experience partnering with organizations large and small.

Providing lists and data at the best prices for your marketing projects.

designed & managed by J L Palfrey for Palfrey Associates               SITEMAP

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