>> Data and E-mail Address AppendingThe names of your customers and top prospects reside in your database. You understand the importance of marketing to these names, but are you truly maximizing the effectiveness in doing so? Let’s start with what you have. Your residential names will likely include one’s name and address but when were these addresses last updated? With approximately 20% of U.S. residents moving annually, it behooves you to allow Mailing Lists, Inc. to clean and update these addresses. Why waste postage mailing to names at obsolete addresses? If you are a business-to-business marketer, not only do businesses move but individuals leave companies and change job titles every day. Mailing Lists, Inc. will keep your business database current by providing you with the freshest data imaginable, so that you are marketing to the correct person with the correct title at the correct business location. You are likely aware that e-mail marketing is the preferred method of communication between many companies and their clients and prospects. What you may be unaware of is that e-mail addresses change at an alarming rate. From changing jobs to switching to a more efficient e-mail provider, there are many scenarios where an individual adopts a new e-mail address. So many new e-mail addresses represent an ongoing challenge to stay in front of. Mailing Lists, Inc. does everything from verify that the address on your file is still valid to providing updated e-mail addresses to your business or residential file. This results in fewer bounce-backs and greater efficiency when communicating via e-mail. Next, will you ever have a need to call or text these individuals? Mailing Lists, Inc. can verify and update existing phone numbers you have as well as append numbers to records where you do not have a phone number. We will even point out which numbers are cell numbers vs. landlines so that you may segment accordingly for your next telemarketing or mobile marketing campaign. Finally, Mailing Lists, Inc. can help answer the question of how much you really know about your customers and prospects. We can append your residential file with various types of demographic and psychographic or behavioral information. Want to know what percentage of your customers and prospects are between certain age ranges or estimated income levels? Or, for that matter, which ones shop online or are interested in golf, or gardening? For business files, we can help determine who your best prospects are by analyzing the company size ranges, industries, job titles, and geographic locations of your internal names. Understanding that much more about your current clients and prospects will enable you to make smarter marketing decisions moving forward. Mailing Lists, Inc. is the expert when it comes to mail lists of all types, so we can help you with your own list, too. Call Adam Van Wye today, (301) 294-7450 or email me now, adam@mailinglistsinc.com. |
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